In the SEPAR guidelines “Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea–hypopnea syndrome” (Arch Bronconeumol. 2011;47(3):143–56), the following errors have been detected:
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In Table 2 on page 144, (>3%) should be (≥3%).
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On page 147, in the Cardiovascular morbidity section, where it is first written Hypoventilation-obesity, this should be Arterial hypertension (HTN). In the second instance, Hypoventilation-obesity should be Cardiac insufficiency (CI). In the third instance, Hypoventilation-obesity should be Arrhythmia. And in the fourth and final instance, Hypoventilation-obesity should be Ischemic heart disease (IHD).
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In Fig. 3 on page 148, >15 and/or BMI>30 should be and/or BMI>30. In the PSG section, which leads to two negative boxes, there should be one positive box on the left and one negative box on the right, each.
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In Fig. 5 on page 151, AHI/RDI≤30 should be AHI/RDI≥30.
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In Fig. 6 on page 152, Chervin65,64 should be Chervin64; where it is written Suggestive of SAHS Table 6 and/or Chervin, it should be Suggestive of SAHS Table 7 and/or Chervin. In the notes under the figure, where it says Decision flowchart in childhood SAHS (mira al la ref. 64), it should say only Decision flowchart in childhood SAHS.
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In Fig. 7 on page 153, Uloberes 2000 should be Lloberes 2000.
Please cite this article as: Lloberes P, et al. Fe de errores de “Diagnóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de apneas–hipopneas del sueño”. Arch Bronconeumol. 2011;47:378.