Journal Information
Original Article
Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of Serum and Urine With DIA Mass Spectrometry Reveals Biomarkers for Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Yunxiao Wua, Mansheng Lib, Kai Zhangc, Jie Mab, David Gozald, Yunping Zhub,¿;
, Zhifei Xuc,¿;
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a Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health, Beijing, China
b State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics, Beijing Proteome Research Center, National Center for Protein Sciences (Beijing), Beijing Institute of Lifeomics, Beijing, China
c Clinical Department of National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health, Beijing, China
d Office of the Dean, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, WV, USA