Estudiamos 253 enfermos que suponen el 86% de los incluidos en Oxigenoterapia crónica domicialiaria (OCD) en el Area Sanitaria de Vigo. Se les practicó una gasometría arterial basal y, a 192 de ellos, una espirometría. Se solicitaron informes médicos, y se les preguntó sobre el número de horas de uso del oxígeno, los años de OCD, y el número de veces que precisaron acudir a urgencias el año precedente. En 147 (58%) se juzgo indicada la OCD en el momento del estudio. En 77 (52%) de los 147 enfermos que precisaban OCD, la administración era superior a 12 horas diarias. Existían importantes diferencias funcionales entre los grupos con y sin necesidad de OCD, lo que indica que estaban formados por dos tipos de EPOC bien diferenciados. La administración de oxígeno superior a 12 horas se asoció a un mayor número de años con OCD. Se concluye con la necesidad de ajustar la prescripción a criterios gasométricos y estimular el correcto uso por parte del paciente.
We evaluated 253 patients representing 86% of those inclu-ded in chronic oxygen therapy at home (COH) in the Vigo Health Area. Basal blood gases were measured and 192 patients underwent a spirometric study. Medical records were requested, and the patients were asked about their number of hours on oxygen, the years of COH and the number of times that they required to attend a hospital emergency service in the preceding year. In 147 (58%) COH was considered indi-cated at the time of study. In 77 (52%) of the patients requiring COH, the administration was for longer than 12 hours a day. There were marked functional differences bet-ween the groups needing and not needing COH, thus sugges-ting, that they were constituted by two well differentiated COLD groups. The administration of oxygen for longer than 12 hours was associated with a higher number of years on COH. It was concluded that it is necessary to adjust the prescription of COH to gasometric criteria and to encourage a correct use by the patient.