Queremos dar a conocer, la técnica que venimos utilizando desde hace dos años en nuestro servicio, para el control de las infecciones en los bronquíticos crónicos; teniendo la intención de en sucesivas publicaciones dar a conocer nuestra experiencia en estos dos años con la misma. Resultando que por su sencillez y exactitud (guarda una buena correlación con el número de bacterias/ml de esputo), es un método ideal para aquellos que controlan grandes poblaciones de bronquíticos crónicos, pudiendo acomodar en cada momento el tratamiento antibiotico del enfermo a su situación clínica.
With this paper the authors want to make known the technique they have been using for the last two years in their Service, for the control of infections in chronic bronchitics. Their intention is to make known their experience during these two years with this technique in successive papers. They emphasize the fact that its simplicity and exactitude (it maintains a good correlation with the of bacteriae/ml of sputum), make it an ideal method for whoever must control large populations of chronic bronchities, thus being able to accomodate the antibiotic treatment of the patient with his clinical situation at all times.