Se analizan los resultados de hospitalización y exámenes complementarios obtenidos por una unidad de neumología situada en un hospital comarcal en un período de cinco años, 1978-82. A la vista de los resultados obtenidos se delimita el área geográfica de influencia del hospital que comprende en total 67.000 habitantes, dividida en dos zonas de mayor y menor influencia. Se analizan los indicadores funcionales de hospitalización y los procesos casuales de la hospitalización, con mayor porcentaje de enfermedades obstructivas crónicas, infecciosas y neoplásicas. Se dan cifras de mortalidad hospitalaria (32,4-87%). Traslados a centros de nivel superior (11) y cirugía torácica (46).
Se analizan las cifras por años de biopsias pleurales, toracoscopias y exámenes de función respiratoria apreciándose su incremento.
Se destaca la utilidad de centros de neumología como el de que es objeto el estudio.
The results of the patients admitted to a pneumological unit in a distric hospital a 5-year period (1978-1982), as well as the laboratory studies perf ormed during the same period, are analyzed. In view of the obtained results the geographical area of influence of the hospital, including 67.000 people is delineated; this area is divided into a greater and a smaller influence zones. Functional indicators of hospital admission, as well as the conditions causing it, are analyzed. Chronic obstructive lung disease, infectious diseases and neoplasic diseases were the most prevalent among the latter. In-hospital mortality was 32.4-87%. 11 cases were referred to institutions of higher qualification, and 46 patients were referred to thoracic surgical units.
The annual rates of pleural biopsy, thoracoscopy and respiratory functional tests are analyzed; the incremeni of these is acknowledged.
The usefulness of pneumology units such as the one being reported about is stressed.